James Taylor’s Shocked and Amazed! On & Off the Midway, Vol. 2
February, 1996 (Out of Print)
Jeanie Tomaini, “The World’s Only Living Half Girl”
- In Volume Two you’ll meet Jeanie Tomaini, once billed as “the World’s Only Living Half Girl,” who with her husband Al, “the American Giant,” were “the World’s Strangest Married Couple” before they retired to Florida and set up the Giant’s Fish Camp.
- Six Gals to Hug Him and a Boxcar to Lug Him! An exclusive interview with Bruce Snowdon, sideshow fatman, perhaps the last one working any midway, talk about his days as an illegal fireworks bootlegger and how the sideshows will look from the future.
- Meanwhile, the Siamese twin Hilton Sisters, Violet and Daisy, stars of FREAKS and CHAINED FOR LIFE, reveal their most intimate secrets in their autobiographical “Intimate Lives and Loves of the Hilton Sisters.”
- Walt Hudson will show you how to work out a difficult adolescence in “I Was a Teenage Blockhead.”
- Tricia Vita takes you back to her childhood as she reveals “Sideshow Tricks of the Trade.”
- You’ll meet Sammy Ross, the accordion playing midget, in an exclusive photo section and see more half-people than anywhere else in “Better by Half.”
- Perhaps scariest of all, you’ll have one of the premier “freaks” of her day revealed for the gaff she was in “I Am Not a Freak.”
- All this under the stunning front cover banner painted especially for Volume Two by artist Bob Kathman.
- And to top it all, this and every succeeding volume features the exclusive carny lingo dictionary and up-to-the-minute information on access to sideshow collectibles and resource materials.